“Without wonder, men and women would lapse into deadening routine and little by little would become incapable of a life which is genuinely personal.” -Pope John Paul II, "Fides et Ratio", "Faith and Reason"
29 January 2021
Pro-Abortion Buffer Zones
25 January 2021
Abortion in the States
Check out these two diverging, recent headlines from Life Site News.
"Mississippi bill would classify abortion as murder"
"UPDATED: Virginia Senate votes to force taxpayer-funded abortions"
When Roe v. Wade (1973; created abortion right in US) is overturned, it's been said that abortion rights will be determined by each state. From the headlines above, it sure looks like that.
I'm wondering if this is actually not the case. Roe had a sentence about personhood of the preborn (unborn). If personhood is established for the preborn, the fourteenth amendment would protect the preborn from elective abortion death under the due process clause (no taking of life or liberty without due process of law). I wonder if the constitutional conservatives will remember this and actually make abortion itself illegal in all fifty states. I wonder.
28 March 2014
The Matrix Did Not Incinerate Humans
I've mentioned before that something like what happened in the UK shows that we have descended closer to Gehenna.
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna.” (Matthew 5: 27-29)
In my Bible commentary, Gehenna was described as the place of “an idolatrous cult” where “children were offered in sacrifice” (2 Kings 23: 10; Jeremiah 7:31). So, those who are “thrown into Gehenna” go with those who sacrificed their children.
22 March 2014
Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival Post VI
Be sure to visit RAnn at This, That and the Other Thing and check out some posts from other bloggers participating in Sunday Snippets this week. Why not join us and share a blog post or two from last week?
Question of the week:
Question of the Week: How often do you go to confession? Do you have a regular confessor or do you go to different priests?
I try to go at least every 3 months. I do not have a regular confessor.
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Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/101030402@N03/12422054853/sizes/m/ |
For the week of March sixteenth:
March 17-18 and 21
Commentaries on The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie Bad Cop Singing Danny Boy on Saint Patrick's Day
The Lego Movie's Prophesying by Vitruvius
The Lego Movie and Tolerant Unikitty
March 20
The Search for Spock and the gods of Genesis
March 19
Wacky Wednesday Limericks on Silencing Pro-life and Pro-marriage views on Sanford University Campus
Silencing Debate at Stanford Wacky Wednesday
15 March 2014
Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival Post V
Be sure to visit RAnn at This, That and the Other Thing and check out some posts from other bloggers participating in Sunday Snippets this week. Why not join us and share a blog post or two from last week?
Do you have any suggested resources for those trying to kickstart these last weeks of Lent?
Learning more about the faith is a very important thing to do and Lent is a good time to kickstart the process. A good resource online from Fr. Barron is his secondary YouTube channel playlist "Faith Seeks Understanding" (a phrase from one of the Christian Fathers) here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL01F8772094235EC2
For the week of March ninth:
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Image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lpachuta/5642063277/meta/ |
March 10-11 and 13-14
Commentaries on Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
The Good Shepherd
Search for Spock to Godforsakeness
Search for Spock and the Fall Guy
Search for Spock and the Other Vulcan
The Search for Spock and the Secrets of Genesis
March 12
Wacky Wednesday Pro-life Limericks on Martin Luther King, Jr. and Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPC)
Wacky Wednesday Prolifers Go Beyond MLK's Dream
12 March 2014
Wacky Wednesday Prolifers Go Beyond MLK's Dream
Prolifers show how it is done:
How *MLK’s dream can be won.
Preborn babies of all,
No matter how small,
Their mothers, all shades ‘neath the sun.
Beyond their inherent worth giv’n,
Beyond how their mothers are liv’n,
**CPC’s help them all,
Even if they have flaws,
Beyond King, they treat all as forgiv’n.
© 2014 Wondering Zygote Emeritus
*Martin Luther King, Jr. (Dr. King)
** Crisis Pregnancy Center
Image sources:
The above limericks were inspired by Alfonzo Rachel's (ZoNation) recent commentary here ("Stephanie Miller: A Liberal Licensed Racist").
07 February 2014
Stephanie Gray's Amazing Pro-life Talk
Some videos just have to be shown.
Stephanie Gray is the co-founding of the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform. If you ever think you may talk to a pro-abortion choice advocate or anyone with that view, I suggest watching this video if no other (over and over again). It's long (1h 4m) and worth the time.
04 May 2011
Antidote to the Best Pro-Abortion Choice Argument
Well, the video series below from Life Report answers the argument to an extremely high degree. (I have an article I'm working on that goes beyond the ideas in this video, but I'll disclose that later.)
Please take the time to listen to the videos in their entirety.
21 March 2011
Prolife Coexist Bumper Sticker MD Coexist I Stickervoice.com
They're at Stickervoice.com
(click on the images below for larger versions)
UPDATE 7/29/2011:
I have a Pro-life Coexist T-shirt. I'll have to take a picture of it soon. Below is a picture from the website:
(Click here for a PDF of the Pro-life Coexist T-shirt.)