
26 March 2014

Churchmen Gone Wacky Wednesday

divorce,remarriage,cardinal,Kasper, Burke,limerick,marriage,bible,Jesus,catholic,"canon law"

(Here's the full interview.)

There now is a Card'nal named Kasper
Who desp'rately wants now to plaster
Out words from the law
And words from God's jaw.
Will those with Burke pry out disaster?

© 2014 Wondering Zygote Emeritus

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Premise: I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another [remarriage] commits adultery. Matthew 19: 9

Premise: Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin [Decalogue included] are not to be admitted to holy communion.

Conclusion: Since remarriage is a "manifest grave sin", those obstinately persevering in the state are not to be admitted to holy communion.

Corollary: Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. 1 Corr 11: 27 

25 March 2014

When the Time Has Come by Huey Lewis and the News on Redemption Time

So, Huey Lewis and the News has an entire song about their version of the eschaton, or the end of the world (many songs mention it, but briefly). It's "When the Time Has Come".

"Huey Lewis and the News",eschaton,redemption
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He mentions in the song that the eschaton is "redemption time". This made me thought of the time when Pope Francis said that everyone including atheists is redeemed by Jesus.

Many people were in an uproar and/or confused about the Pope's pronouncement since most assumed the Church taught that atheists could not enter heaven. Was he supposedly changing another Church teaching? Yet again, the teaching did not change.

All were redeemed by Jesus when he died on the cross. The thing is, for salvation, one has to join with Christ in baptism and carry his or her cross. There has to be a response by the redeemed. Redemption makes salvation possible.

This song by Huey Lewis confuses the matter further by calling the eschaton "redemption time". That time has been completed once and for all.

24 March 2014

The Lego Movie and Dismissed Green Lantern

So, Green Lantern was in The Lego Movie.

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I heard that Green Lantern revealed that he had same-sex attraction in one of his comics. What surprised me was that he was dismissed so blatantly by the main character Emmet in the movie, saying something like, "excuse me" while he pushed Green Lantern out of the way.

It was unexpected in this modern movie.

22 March 2014

Sunday Snippets -- A Catholic Carnival Post VI

This is for the weekly Catholic Carnival!

Be sure to visit RAnn at This, That and the Other Thing and check out some posts from other bloggers participating in Sunday Snippets this week. Why not join us and share a blog post or two from last week?

Question of the week:
Question of the Week:  How often do you go to confession?  Do you have a regular confessor or do you go to different priests?
I try to go at least every 3 months. I do not have a regular confessor.

"Sunday Snippets","Catholic Carnival"
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For the week of March sixteenth:

March 17-18 and 21
Commentaries on The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie Bad Cop Singing Danny Boy on Saint Patrick's Day
The Lego Movie's Prophesying by Vitruvius
The Lego Movie and Tolerant Unikitty

March 20
The Search for Spock and the gods of Genesis

March 19
Wacky Wednesday Limericks on Silencing Pro-life and Pro-marriage views on Sanford University Campus
Silencing Debate at Stanford Wacky Wednesday

21 March 2014

The Lego Movie and Tolerant Unikitty

***Spoilers Alert!*** It's was hilarious that The Lego Movie had multiple jabs against liberal agenda items. One was against Unikitty's "tolerance".

Lego, Unikitty, Good,nice
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In her cloud land, nice Unikitty made sure that the main characters knew that they could do whatever they wanted.

However, if they stopped or discouraged anyone from doing whatever they wanted...

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... bad Unikitty appeared.

The hippy-dippy, modern version of tolerance personified in a Lego character. Yea!

20 March 2014

The Search for Spock and the gods of Genesis

***Spoilers Alert!*** Between Star Trek II and III, there were really three main people who wanted the Genesis device and its "secrets": Dr. David Marcus (Kirk's son), Khan, and Klingon Captain Kruge.

"Star Trek",Spock,Klingon,Khan,Kirk
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The Genesis device was capable of bringing to life a dead planet or killing a live one for its "new matrix" (or creating a new planet all by itself from nebula matter some how). In either case, already existing matter had to be present to reorganize matter at the subatomic level.

Dr. David Marcus, Khan, and Captain Kruge wanted the power to create or destroy for themselves (for honor and/or "ultimate power"). It was like the battle of the Roman or Greek gods once again, except now, the mortals used science.

The battle raged between them until they were all dead.

On the other hand, God created the universe (or multiverse, etc.) out of nothing. He (not male, just subject placeholder) created all time, matter, and dimensions. The Book of Genesis describes this in a poetic manner, where the point is that God created it out of love, not domination.

For more on this see this video by Fr. Barron.

19 March 2014

Silencing Debate at Stanford Wacky Wednesday

The limericks and meme below was inspired by the recent article by Jennifer S. Bryson, Ph.D. entitled, "Stanford, Marriage and Abortion Controversies, and the Mission of a University".

"Wacky Wednesday", marriage, abortion
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Silencing at Stanford

At Stanford, it was an oasis
For all points of view to have places.
But marr'age for now
Is under the plow
For burying Truth from some faces.

And tolerance is just a ruse
Of many who outright refuse
To look at the facts;
It may stop their tracts.
Their views facing facts, they may lose.

© 2014 Wondering Zygote Emeritus

Image sources:

In engaging in debates, there is a possibility that one's previous view(s) may change. The purpose of a debate is not necessarily to win or lose, it is to find the truth that is outside ourselves by reason and facts. The college is the ideal setting for such activity.

18 March 2014

The Lego Movie's Prophesying by Vitruvius

***Spoilers Alert!*** So, Morgan Freeman's character Vitruvius (accent on "tru"; on the right in the picture below) revealed a prophesy in The Lego Movie that was pretty silly.

"Morgan Freeman", Vitruvius, prophesy
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Near the end of the movie, Vitruvius said that he made it up. (The specific prophesy of The Lego Movie will be looked at soon; in this post, just the silliness of the telling of the prophesy will be explored briefly.)

Looking to Jesus, there were many prophesies made about him in the Old Testament (Torah and other books). The ancient prophets of his Hebrew (Jewish) community said that there would be a person anointed Savior of Israel, to rule as a son of King David. There were many other prophesies about a new and eternal King of Israel that would deal with the enemies of Israel.

The thing is that if a prophet was found out to be a false prophet, or one who prophesied falsely, according to the Law of Moses (Jewish Law) that prophet should die. (That's one of the reasons that Jesus died, the Israel leadership believed that he was a false prophet.) This is one reason why the Hebrew community took prophesying seriously.

So, prophesying in the Hebrew world was not a light matter. Of course, the Lego world could take Vitruvius' prophesying lightly since they were just plastic who were filmed by stop action cameras (and/or CGI).