
Showing posts with label catholic church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catholic church. Show all posts

02 February 2021

Gender Theories Purposefully Cancel Christians

Another one bites the dust over transgenderism. Daily wire had an article entitledChristian Organization Suspended From Twitter After Calling Dr. Rachel Levine ‘A Man Who Believes He Is A Woman.’

I still believe that the powers-that-be are using this issue and LGBTQ+ promotion to cancel Christians, especially Catholics. It divides Christians to the nth degree. It seems like compassion to accept and tolerate (tolerance in the old sense) this disorder, but it's not loving per 1 Corr. 13: 6. "Love does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the Truth."

Once we're out of the way, the utopia may commence.

29 January 2021

Pro-Abortion Buffer Zones

Today is the online March for Life. Some have said that it was a cop-out to not march in D.C. I don't know about that since D.C. is mostly a police zone now.

But why is it a police zone? Because a very few (representative?) Trump supporters caused violence and mayhem at the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6.

I can't help but see the parallels with the pro-life movement. Extremely very few (representative?) pro-life demonstrators killed abortion doctors. Because of this, countless state/local jurisdictions created buffer zone laws around abortion killing centers to keep mostly peaceful pro-life protestors away.

Recently, some pro-abortion protestors demonstrated in the building of a Catholic Mass. Will there be laws that curb this intimidation for this one offence? Will there be pro-abortion buffer zones? Perhaps because they didn't kill anyone it won't happen.
It's not very fair, but as I always tell myself and my children, life isn't fair. That's what the particular and final judgments are for.

22 January 2021

Hitting the Mark

Sin is a word and concept that is contemptible in our libertine age. The only "sin" is even implying that an action or feeling is not right for someone else to do or feel. According to former President Obama, a sin is to do something against one's principles; there is no external reference for those principles.

Well, the above approaches to sin would be correct if there were no God. As Sartre wrote, we create our own meaning without reference to any god. His entire philosophical matrix would fall apart if God existed-in-fact.

If God existed, He made you and me a certain way to live rightly. What sin really includes is missing the mark of living in the right way.

Think of a bow, arrow, and target. The goal of bow and arrow shooting at the range of life is to get a bullseye. We have to train, practice, and obtain the correct materials/equipment to get the maximum number of bullseyes. We'll more likely hit the mark.

Then we'll be truly happy.

21 January 2021

Heaven is Awesome

Is heaven boring? I have a teenager that thought that it was. In heaven, you just sit around for eternity and get bored, bored, bored without end.

Well, I combined something I learned a long time ago from Real Catholic TV (before it changed to Church Militant) and his love of soccer.

When we die, think of it as a snapshot, a moment in time that lasts forever. At the same time, think of how you feel when you play a really important and excruciatingly tough game that you win.

The experience of heaven is like the feeling of winning that game forever. It never goes away like it does on earth with the Church Militant. As a member of the Church Triumphant, we are always in God's presence. We won the game of life through the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus, along with our participation with his work. The game was a killer, but the victory was a miracle beyond understanding. We are teammates of Jesus in His Church. He purchased the grace of forgiveness of our sins through the cross for the heaven win. Heaven is awesome.

08 January 2021

Old Meme - New Time

There is an old meme below about the US, before memes were as big as they are now in certain circles.

The northern part of the US and Canada are the United States of Canada and the southern part is Jesusland.

This says so much. This was originally made by those who prefer to be in the red, northern part of the map above. (How unjust is it that Jesus is treated like a shunned man? It reminds me of something...)

The enlightened U.S. Canadians believe that Jesus lovers are freaks, rubes, and backward. In reality it is the reverse. It is the north that want us to progress backward to the time of oligarchs, dependency, and decay (sort of like in Russia, come to think of it).

What I now see on the map above is the Church of Rome and Constantinople on a mission to the hordes of the barbarian North.

(BTW, most of these map memes of Jesusland have PA in the north. This is one of the few that doesn't.)

09 April 2014

Catholic Sister Disparaged for Catholic Marriage Talk Wacky Wednesday

This Wacky Wednesday was inspired by the article, "Charlotte [North Carolina, USA] diocese backs nun who gave school talk promoting Church teaching on homosexuality" by Kirsten Andersen.

Church,marriage,truth,Pope Francis,satan
Image source:
A sister said truth about marr'age.
Expectedly some had to disparage
The obvious truth.
She wasn't uncouth:
One man and his bride ride the carr'age.

There's someone else who took the risk;
The way it could sound was quite brisk.
His name now is Pope,
He said Satan's hope:
Gay marr'age turns brains into bisque *.

The bisque will have sev'ral key parts:
Confusion, half-truths a la carte.
Homofascists arise.
It's no big surprise:
The Church fights with Truth to change hearts.

* "Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God," wrote Cardinal Bergoglio [now Pope Francis] in a letter sent to the monasteries of Buenos Aires. "We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God."

For Google translation:
marr'age = marriage
sev'ral = several
carr'age = carriage

01 April 2014

Noah Movie is an Adaptation from the Original Genesis Story And So Is the Church

The Noah movie with Russel Crowe follows the pattern of all book adaptations that I have seen. The movie departs substantially from the book. The question is, how much departure is too much?

Image source:
Here are three takes on the question:

(1) Fr. Barron "Noah: A Post-Modern Midrash" ("The midrashim—extremely popular in ancient Israel—were imaginative elaborations of the often spare Scriptural narratives.")

[Update 4/15/2014 YouTube: "Fr. Barron comments on 'Noah'"]

(2) The Catholic World Report "Noah: A Theological Reflection: Darren Aronofsky’s controversial film is sometimes divisive and divided, but is also deeply serious about Scripture and essential questions"

(3) Alfonzo Rachel "ZoNATION: Does the Noah Movie Float?"
"Zo knows that liberal Hollywood has long leeched off the Bible to promote their world view. Whether it's making characters that are religious fanatics to make people prejudiced against the Bible, or cherry picking scriptures and twisting what they don't even really believe in to justify their world view. The 2014 Noah movie is no exception."

The traditional Christian understanding of Noah's ark compares it to the Church. The word Church comes from the Latin word ecclēsia (ecclesiastical is the adjective in English). It literally means to "call out from".

In a similar way that Noah, his family, and animals were called out from the fallen, disordered world, Jesus and His Bride the Church are to call all of humanity from its fallen-ness, or sinfulness onto the boat of the Church. We are all called to be passengers on the boat that Jesus built, and baptism is the way onto the boat. We just have to answer the call and follow Jesus on His Way.

Image source:
So, maybe the latest Noah movie departed from the original Genesis Noah story in some substantial ways. The Church also has in some aspects, but She relies on Jesus for the Way to depart from the world today.

 (The picture above shows Noah's Ark in the upper portion, while the lower portion shows Jesus in the boat with His followers, the Church. Many church building show Noah's ark which represents the Church.)

26 March 2014

Churchmen Gone Wacky Wednesday

divorce,remarriage,cardinal,Kasper, Burke,limerick,marriage,bible,Jesus,catholic,"canon law"

(Here's the full interview.)

There now is a Card'nal named Kasper
Who desp'rately wants now to plaster
Out words from the law
And words from God's jaw.
Will those with Burke pry out disaster?

© 2014 Wondering Zygote Emeritus

Image sources:

Premise: I say to you, whoever divorces his wife (unless the marriage is unlawful) and marries another [remarriage] commits adultery. Matthew 19: 9

Premise: Can. 915 Those who have been excommunicated or interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty and others obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin [Decalogue included] are not to be admitted to holy communion.

Conclusion: Since remarriage is a "manifest grave sin", those obstinately persevering in the state are not to be admitted to holy communion.

Corollary: Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will have to answer for the body and blood of the Lord. 1 Corr 11: 27 

07 February 2014

The Wolverine Part II

Here is the last part, Wolverine Part I.

In the last post, I gave one reason why living forever in heaven could be a good thing.

In this post, I would like to give the other. The second reason is that the other possible outcome of death is that we could end up in the other place, hell.

So, whether we like it or not, when we die, we either have everlasting life or, essentially, everlasting death.

This is not meant to scare or tick-off people. If that was the case, I might as well say that we are given the gift of life. Life just is, we didn't create it. Well, life after death just is too. The difference is, we get a say about what happens after life in this fallen universe since we have free will.

That's why Jesus came to redeem all of humanity on the cross. That's why he rose from the dead. That's why He commissioned the Church to go and make disciples of all nations through baptism.

Thank you God, since we can't do it all on our own, that is, get to heaven. We just have to respond to His call to discipleship in His body, the Church.

10 January 2014

Star Trek: The Motion Picture Part II

This post is about the "meld" between the V'ger probe and Decker.

In the last post, I likened Decker to God the Father (Creator) and the V'ger probe as standing in for humankind. This post will discuss how the relationship between Decker and the V'ger probe is parallel to God the Son and to an individual.

During this clip, Decker wanted to be with the V'ger probe who was once his love interest Ilia. The V'ger probe who is made in the likeness of Ilia, who now stands-in for V'ger, wants with all its being to be with Decker.

This whole relationship reminds me of what St. Paul said about the one-fleshness between man and woman in marriage. He said that the sacrament of marriage was mysteriously a direct parallel to the bond between Christ (Jesus) and the Church.

The question is, how does an individual become part of the Church to have this special relationship with Christ? The answer is baptism.

This Star Trek movie is a commentary on baptism!

The "meld" scene above sort-of shows how Christ and His disciple become a new creation through baptism.

Could it be that the Enterprise is the Holy Spirit that brings the Christ character (Decker) to V'ger? That may be too much. What do you think?

(My first post on Star Trek: The Motion Picture is here.)

08 January 2014

Huey Lewis and the News Workin' For A Livin' Part I

Workin' for a Livin' is musically one of Huey Lewis and the News' best songs. The rising & falling of the bass line riff and Mr. Lewis' harmonica solo at the bridge are fantastic. The addition of the jazz organ makes it stylin'.

In this post, I'll focus on the line, "Workin' for a Livin' / Livin' and working." This line reminds me of the deep question, "Do I live to work, or do I work to live?"

When I first heard this question as a kid, I immediately thought, "Duh, I don't live to work since work is the last thing I want to do. I'd rather be playing video games." My definition of work for a long time was, "You're working when you'd rather be doing something else."

Then I read Laborem Exercens (LE) by Pope John Paul II. I thought, is it possible that the question sets-up a false dichotomy, sort-of-like asking whether nature or nurture shapes the lives of children to adulthood? Can working/living be intertwined?

LE reveals that work is defined by any activity which gives each human being's personal life meaning/dignity and shapes the culture-at-large. Whenever we do anything, or work, whether for money or not, we have the opportunity to fulfill our purposes for being, the main pair being "to love" and "be loved".

Think about it: When we go to work, we are contributing a service or product that will define the culture while also providing for ourselves and/or our family. When we are with our family, we help each other (change diapers/sheets) which fulfill our lives in love.

07 January 2014

The Big Bang Theory Theme Song Part I

[I selected this post to be featured on Blog Nation. Please visit the site and vote for my blog!]

I always chuckle when I hear The Big Bang Theory theme song by the Bare Naked Ladies. Not because the show that is about to start is funny, but because the Bare Naked Ladies seem like they're trying too hard to be smart with all the lyrics; Sheldon would probably laugh at them if he heard it too because they have no PhD's among the band members (as far as I know).

(Here's a new visual version of the song)

I also laugh because the band probably has no idea that the theorist of the Big Bang Theory was a Catholic Priest, Monseigneur Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître (below on the left next to Albert Einstein).
(This picture is in the Public Domain as far as I know.)

I'll bring up the show's attempt at making fun of religion later, but the only time any Catholic Priest was mentioned was Pope John Paul II by name, by Amy Farrah Fowler (Series 5 Episode 11). She said, "Sheldon: In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an honorary Harlem Globetrotter." That's probably all they know about the Church.

What they should really learn is that Einstein said,
“Only the Catholic Church protested against the Hitlerian onslaught on liberty. Up till then I had not been interested in the Church, but today I feel a great admiration for the Church, which alone has had the courage to struggle for spiritual truth and moral liberty.” 
Perhaps now they too may be "interested in the Church" and read this blog? Although, I only have a bachelor's degree in engineering, so Sheldon may have to pass.

07 March 2012

Three Catholic Priests on the HHS Mandate and Contraception

Three (UPDATE: make that four) Catholic Priests on the HHS Mandate and Contraception in my order of the very best to best:

(1) People of Life (Fr. Jonathan Raia)
Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time - 2012 (Recorded February 4, 2012)
Original Audio: (the video below was created from the original mp3 audio file from the link above in its entirety/no modifications)

(2) Religious Liberty Homily

(3) I Have a Say: Father John Hollowell

(UPDATE; added)(4) We Hold These Truths || Spoken Word

01 February 2012

Response to Atheist

I just had to repeat this comment that I posted here. It is the Holy Spirit.

"God has just done too good of a job of hiding for me to have any belief in him."

God came out to play when Jesus was incarnate. After He left to the Father, the Spirit was given to the Church that He established. Want evidence? Just look at the blog you're on now. God's evidence is the presence of the Mystical Body of Christ (the Church) bringing you the Good News and a Doctor for what ails you and the world. It's a place for sinners to receive absolution for their sins.

God bless you Anonymous.


01 August 2011

Contraception Stifles Grace

In my view, the video below (from the Vortex with Michael Voris) shows the importance of the Catholic Church's teaching for chaste marital relations without contraception. Contraception stifles grace since it doesn't allow for the married couple to participate in God's Will of creation in their vocation. Stifling God's Will potentially, if not necessarily stifles His Grace.

I thought that marriage showed how Christ's love for His Church was present, but the oneness between Christ and His Church was really preeminent to marital love. In other words, if there was no fall, there would be a perfect oneness between Christ and His Church; it's just that the fall caused humanity to have to be re-grafted onto Christ through baptism, or through the remission of sin/reconciliation with God.

WARNING: the subject below may be too graphic for sensitive readers.

Finally, I thought of a few analogies that went with the use of contraption vis-a-vis receiving Holy Eucharist (stay tuned for a question for you):
(1) Condoms: putting a barrier around Holy Eucharist
(2) The Pill: taking a drug that put up a chemical barrier on the absorbing wall of stomach/intestines/esophagus so that Holy Eucharist could not become one with the Communicant
(3) Diaphragm: Putting a hollow balloon in one's mouth

What analogy do you think works for homosexual relations? Please comment below.