
15 April 2014

Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day Movie Shows Happiness is Found in the Truth

***Spoilers Alert!*** Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day was very well written. It had to be since there were dizzying twists and turns that naturally proceeded from webs of lies.

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Lies by every main character made them all personally miserable. It all changed when one was entranced by a word of truth (he's pictured above with Miss Pettigrew).

From that one true complement made from the heart of Miss Pettigrew about a beautiful scarf he designed, her life and the lives around her found new life in true (almost non-Hollywood-like) happiness.

Truth changes lives so that one can truly live. The Truth of Jesus' words changes lives in similar ways.

"The Glory of God is a human being fully alive!"

Hanna Movie Shows Human Commodity

***Spoilers Alert!*** The movie Hanna (2011) was quite disturbing. Hanna was quite literally made into a human killing machine.
"Saoirse Ronan",Hanna,abortion,experiment
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What was even more disturbing is that Hanna and many other in-utero children were genetically mutated to become human killers for (probably) the military. What is more, they were selected from babies that were going to be aborted in abortion-killing-chambers.

Catholic social justice starts with the belief that all humans from their conception (pre-, post-, and in-utero) have inherit worth. From this, no human can be made into a commodity for any reason.

Hanna's genetic manipulators (including her "father") knew this, but they did it anyway. It was clear in the movie that Hanna was to be terminated to keep their dealings secret.

If they knew genetic manipulation for creating human commodities was wrong, why did they do it? Did they think preborn humans were less valuable?

09 April 2014

Catholic Sister Disparaged for Catholic Marriage Talk Wacky Wednesday

This Wacky Wednesday was inspired by the article, "Charlotte [North Carolina, USA] diocese backs nun who gave school talk promoting Church teaching on homosexuality" by Kirsten Andersen.

Church,marriage,truth,Pope Francis,satan
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A sister said truth about marr'age.
Expectedly some had to disparage
The obvious truth.
She wasn't uncouth:
One man and his bride ride the carr'age.

There's someone else who took the risk;
The way it could sound was quite brisk.
His name now is Pope,
He said Satan's hope:
Gay marr'age turns brains into bisque *.

The bisque will have sev'ral key parts:
Confusion, half-truths a la carte.
Homofascists arise.
It's no big surprise:
The Church fights with Truth to change hearts.

* "Let's not be naive, we're not talking about a simple political battle; it is a destructive pretension against the plan of God," wrote Cardinal Bergoglio [now Pope Francis] in a letter sent to the monasteries of Buenos Aires. "We are not talking about a mere bill, but rather a machination of the Father of Lies that seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God."

For Google translation:
marr'age = marriage
sev'ral = several
carr'age = carriage

08 April 2014

The Search for Spock Movie Laughs at Superior Science

***Spoilers Alert!*** Star Trek III: The Search for Spock ironically puts down progress in science and technology and lifts up simple, mortal ways.
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First, the Genesis science project goes to hell (quite literally). The USS Excelsior's new warp drive goes kaput. The USS Enterprise is blown up. The heroes are transported in the end by a flying tin-can warship. Were the writers laughing at superior science and technology?

It took an unethical scientist to use banned proto-matter. It took the removal of only a few computer chips to disable the state-of-the-art trans-warp drive of the Excelsior. It took three people to destroy the Enterprise. Reading Klingon, getting back to basics was required to leave the self-destructing Genesis Planet.

For what? To get the movie's namesake to his home-planet in able to get their quasi-witchdoctors to put him back together. How back-of-the-woods?

Why are they doing this? I think it's because no matter how much science discoveries and technology inventions are revealed, mortals still have a desire to relate to mortal matters.

What do you think?

07 April 2014

When the Time Has Come Gnostic Lyrics by Huey Lewis and the News

The song When the Time Has Come by Huey Lewis and the News was looked at in two previous posts regarding redemption at the end of the world and Universalism.

In this post, an apparent gnostic idea of the song will be explored.

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A portion of the song is this:
Everything's gonna clear up
Everybody cheer up
Walls are gonna crumble
All men will be humble

Feeling getting stronger
Won't be down much longer
We will be free
When the time has come
"We will be free" seems to indicate that at the end of the world, people will cast-off their bodies and be only spirits. This action will lead to a kind-of-freedom. This is a gnostic idea.

Gnosticism under the umbrella of Christianity has been around since the beginning of Christianity (even before the Christian Bible was canonized).

Christianity calls Gnosticism a heresy since Jesus is revealed to be resurrected in a glorified body. The body is not seen to be a prison for the spirit, but a temple of our spirit.We were meant to be embodied souls just like incarnated Jesus, the archetype of humanity.

04 April 2014

Blu-ray Disc and DVD Player HDMI Connection to RCA Component Jacks on TV Info

I've been trying to connect my new (on sale) Blu-ray player with a HDMI output to my old CRT TV. The TV I have is a Sanyo HT3246. The Blu-ray player I bought was Sony BDP-BX510.

My TV has a digital input shown below (from the manual).

480i digital pr pb y DTV

Most TV's just have 3 inputs, 2 audio (red and white) and 1 video (yellow). If this is the case, you'll have to buy a not-cheap "scan converter" (or buy a new TV with HDMI and/or Pr/Pb/Y digital connections). (My TV doesn't need a converter since it has an internal converter via the Pr/Pb/Y connections.)

If you have a mid technology TV (CRT) like I do, you should have three inputs for video (Pr/Pb/Y respectively Red/Blue/Green; see figure above) and the same two audio inputs (R/L).

You'll need a HDMI to Five RCA Audio/Video cable (like here) to connect the HDMI to the 5 component jacks (3 video/2 audio).

Lastly, make sure the ratings for the HDMI cable, TV specs, and Blu-ray outputs are compatible. My TV uses 480i, the Blu-ray outputs have that rating listed (here at page 4), and the cable I bought also has the rating (above).

Hope this helps.

02 April 2014

Captain America Movie Transhumanist Superman Wacky Wednesday

***Spoilers Alert!***

"Captain America",transhuman,limerick,"Wacky Wednesday",Hitler,supermen
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Captain America is a Product of Germany

The methods used weren't so new,
Some light'ning's still part of the brew.
The science still mad,
The methods a tad
Unethical. Who's on the crew?

A scientist of Hitler's docs
Came over with some of his socks.
It's now understood,
Capt's life's now a good
Who's freedom is now under locks.

01 April 2014

Noah Movie is an Adaptation from the Original Genesis Story And So Is the Church

The Noah movie with Russel Crowe follows the pattern of all book adaptations that I have seen. The movie departs substantially from the book. The question is, how much departure is too much?

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Here are three takes on the question:

(1) Fr. Barron "Noah: A Post-Modern Midrash" ("The midrashim—extremely popular in ancient Israel—were imaginative elaborations of the often spare Scriptural narratives.")

[Update 4/15/2014 YouTube: "Fr. Barron comments on 'Noah'"]

(2) The Catholic World Report "Noah: A Theological Reflection: Darren Aronofsky’s controversial film is sometimes divisive and divided, but is also deeply serious about Scripture and essential questions"

(3) Alfonzo Rachel "ZoNATION: Does the Noah Movie Float?"
"Zo knows that liberal Hollywood has long leeched off the Bible to promote their world view. Whether it's making characters that are religious fanatics to make people prejudiced against the Bible, or cherry picking scriptures and twisting what they don't even really believe in to justify their world view. The 2014 Noah movie is no exception."

The traditional Christian understanding of Noah's ark compares it to the Church. The word Church comes from the Latin word ecclēsia (ecclesiastical is the adjective in English). It literally means to "call out from".

In a similar way that Noah, his family, and animals were called out from the fallen, disordered world, Jesus and His Bride the Church are to call all of humanity from its fallen-ness, or sinfulness onto the boat of the Church. We are all called to be passengers on the boat that Jesus built, and baptism is the way onto the boat. We just have to answer the call and follow Jesus on His Way.

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So, maybe the latest Noah movie departed from the original Genesis Noah story in some substantial ways. The Church also has in some aspects, but She relies on Jesus for the Way to depart from the world today.

 (The picture above shows Noah's Ark in the upper portion, while the lower portion shows Jesus in the boat with His followers, the Church. Many church building show Noah's ark which represents the Church.)