
Showing posts with label Zuby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zuby. Show all posts

06 January 2021

Black Lives Matter Inc. Opinions

Opinions of Three Black Men Who Are Honest about the Official BLM Organization

FYI: I wrote this post elsewhere in June 2020.

The partial-transcripts of their opinions are below and at 

(1) George Floyd Was Murdered - An Honest Perspective [by Zuby]
(2) 'Black Lives Matter' Is Not Helping Blacks [by Derryck Green]
(3) Why I don't support # BlackLivesMatter [by Eric D July]

**Partial Transcripts:
Opinions of Three Black Men Who Are Honest about the Official BLM Organization
(1) George Floyd Was Murdered - An Honest Perspective [by Zuby]
2:00 George Floyd was murdered. There is no excuse.
2:30 Zuby does not have BLM/anti-police sentiment (not activist).
2:40 He is critical of BLM because they are silent on the 99% of black people who are killed in US.
4:49 If the optics do not line-up with BLM's narrative (white on black violence/bl on bl violence), BLM ignores.
3:07 Of course he is in agreement with the "black lives matter" sentiment (as well as "all lives matter"). Almost everyone agrees with that.
3:15 He believes in womb to the tomb, human lives matter. It doesn't matter if man, woman, baby, unborn baby, adult, orange, yellow, white.
3:43 He believes all humans have inherent value.
3:46 He doesn't get caught-up in race bating.
3:51 He is also not hyper-emotional.
3:57 Nearly all contentious cases are not clear, there are other circumstances going on (4:13).
4:15 However, in this situation, Mr. Floyd was hand-cuffed and neutralized.
4:27 There is no self-defense here.
4:38 This could have happened to a white man, Asian man, white woman, black woman. It wouldn't matter.
4:47 People are getting bogged-down in "bull crap" like they always do, and it gets so tiresome.
4:51 This is why he made the video.
5:00 People who try to defend this police officer sound like clowns.
5:27 Even if Mr. Floyd was casing people with a chainsaw, this is still murder.
5:33 It would still be a massive error by the police involved.
5:46 In this circumstance, after subduing Mr. Floyd, there is no reason to kill him. There is no excuse.
6:12 It's extremely rare to have a video of police killing suspects in cold-blood like here.
6:31 The officer knew what he was doing.
7:33 Four other officers, including Latino [Asian?], were present and did nothing.
7:42 This is evidence that this this is not a black and white thing.
8:05 Only about 1% of police officers would do this. But what about those standing around?
8:30 This act was evil since he didn't need to kill him. Sometimes killing/harming is justified, but not here.
9:30 People are trying to make this a left-right thing.
10:40 Police violence in Minneapolis was also against white woman.
10:49 "When you have principles, race becomes a non-issue. That becomes a distraction."
11:09 Issue is not right-left, black-white.
12:00 Worse case of police violence was against white male in a hotel. The police defendant in case got off scot-free and got a payout for it.
12:15 Zuby is not social justice warrior (SJW). He believes in justice. Just justice.
12:25 Nobody is above the law. Citizen or police.
12:35 We can't afford to have bad apples in the police force.
12:50 They have a badge and a gun.
13:30 They have the authority to kill people legally in many cases.
14:15 There's nothing that can justify Mr. Floyd's killing. Even if he was a moment before chasing someone with a chainsaw.
(2) 'Black Lives Matter' Is Not Helping Blacks [by Derryck Green]
0:25 Derryck Green has done extensive research on the civil rights movement, black power movement, and BLM.
0:55 He believes police brutality is an issue.
1:15 People should rightly protest about police officer's actions that killed Mr. Floyd.
1:20 There are a lot more "pressing issues" that should be "prioritized above" the issue of police brutality if we are serious about changing the way black communities are lived in the country currently.
1:35 This does not trivialize George Floyd's death.
1:43 Justice should be rightly meted-out.
1:48 There are so many other issues that impact black families and black lives.
2:05 (Will Witt) If BLM really cared about black lives, BLM should focus on those issues that really effect black lives daily.
2:25 (Green) BLM is primarily focused on police brutality.
2:28 The numbers of unarmed blacks killed by police each year is almost a statistical zero. This is not to trivialize the lives that were lost (2:38). They should be put in proper context.
2:53 One of the issues that should be prominent is black marriage rates. Black marriage rates are under thirty percent. (Whites are ~50%.)
3:05 Black parents having kids in marriage would improve black lives.
3:09 Another issue is education.
3:45 Increasing minimum wage hurts black lives. (Prices out of market.)
4:25 Reducing government to help blacks thrive.
4:44 White Antifa members support BLM destroy black businesses.
5:20 Antifa are social opportunists.
5:25 BLM had an obligation to shut down Antifa/riots that hurt black lives and businesses.
5:40 Riots turn people away who would normally listen to your cause/pleas for justice.
6:15 It costs a lot of money to set up in city areas. Who would want to come to cities knowing it’s a tinderbox ready to explode.
6:43 BLM not shutting Antifa down in the beginning of the riots/violence eliminated BLM moral authority.
7:40 The left frames the parameters of the debate. They force you to operate within those parameters, and if you don't, you are evil and not with them.
8:10 The left and right were in agreement that the death of Mr. Floyd was a travesty and the officers should be fired and arrested.
8:15 It wasn't enough. Rioting was not the answer.
8:25 One way to help black lives is not to riot. Many people who live in those communities work in those communities where businesses were destroyed.
8:44 But businesses will come back (like Covid). We don't know that, esp. after extended periods of time.
9:30 BLM is a movement to use white guilt and black rage to achieve their aims.
9:40 Affirmative action is absolutely racist.
10:00 White people kneeling to black people is racist in itself.
10:09 Going back on blacks integrating into society. It's almost segregation again.
10:29 Affirmative action and BLM won't end because they are ready-made vehicles that white people can support to disprove their racism in advance, however counter-productive they are.
11:00 Without coerced gov't intervention you would not be successful.
11:15 Handouts are at the expense of black development it stifles black flourishing.
11:22 Also has stigma of lower standards. Never be rest assured what accomplished were on own merits.
11:32 BLM same way. Kneeling is patronizing: we can't deal with a black person like a regular human being.
11:45 We don't think their emotionally mature enough to deal with life separately and distinct from race. Not that we should ignore it. We have to show we're not racist.
12:00 It's like patting them on the head. That's offensive.
12:20 White groveling doesn't solve the problem; it shows weakness.
12:33 White guilt is the leverage to black power.
12:55 We should treat blacks as equals.
13:25 Treat blacks as equals and peers, not children.
13:32 (Witt) We live in the generation of virtue signaling.
14:15 (Green) White guilt/privilege thrust upon whites, and if left unchecked it would expand white supremacy.
14:40 Social media is substitute for real activism. A black square means absolutely nothing.
15:19 Original civil rights leaders marched to help US live up to ideals of Dec. of Ind.
15:38 Advocate for better schools instead of social media virtue signaling.
15:55 Advocate for blacks to get married and stay married?
16:03 It's very difficult work.
16:22 (Witt) Don't blame people putting up black squares.
16:55 (Green) Differences between civil rights movement (MLK/non-violence) and black power movements (black panthers).
17:50 Civil rights movement believed US just didn't live up to ideals of Dec. of Ind.
18:28 Civil rights movement born and thrived in black churches.
18:48 Black power movements wanted separatism. (18:57 black nationalism)
19:50 Black power movements coopted by white left.
19:58 Black fists.
20:53 BLM won't convince anyone who already doesn't have their ideological presuppositions.
22:30 What happens to conservative blacks (or blacks not on the left) when they speak-out.
23:00 There is strength in numbers. More conservatives (or blacks not on the left) speaking out will help black lives.
23:50 More white conservatives (or whites not on the left) should speak out to help black lives.
24:55 Rejecting BLM as a movement is not rejecting the idea that black lives matter.
(3) Why I don't support # BlackLivesMatter [by Eric D July]
3:14 Solutions should also be good for freedom purposes.
4:30 Black lives matter to who?
6:30 Be self-reliant.
8:00 Woke police, not demolish them is goal.
9:15 BLM corporate movement.
9:40 BLM: Please stop beating us but also include us.
11:15 BLM very leftist movement.
11:30 Eric's not like Candace, but don't hate her.
12:00 POC, what is that?
12:45 LGBT thing. Not hating on them, though.
12:55 BLM started with LGBT thing.
13:00 It's a leadership problem.
13:15 Eric doesn't want your civil rights laws or pity.
13:22 "This whole movement is about white folk feeling as if black men and black women’s world can't move unless they move it for them. Let's just keep it real."
13:40 It would be one thing if they [BLM] said to keep the hell out of our way.
14:05 Self-loathing whites helping out blacks.
14:30 Human beings are human beings and there will always be disparities.
14:40 Not interested in evening the odds [in outcome percentages].
14:55 Putting more black cops and politicians is not the solution.
15:48 Worried about what is right or wrong.
16:25 There is a problem in black communities. Cultural problem. Pains them to address issues.
17:40 Welfare status
17:55 Baby mommas
15:45 Marriage direct link to positive outcomes.
19:20 Drug problems
19:40 Prison assumptions offensive
20:50 Raised by mother
21:20 Mother taught him that her situation was not preferable as single mother
21:50 It's ok to acknowledge the preference even when it's not present
21:55 People that terrorize their community are bad people. (He was a bad person at one time too.)
23:30 Tale of when first called unblack when said didn't want handouts.
23:40 Kill and be bad person is what it is to be black, but if don't want handouts, not black.
23:50 Addressing cultural problems require responsibility.
24:15 "I'm the victim" (despite the experience of black immigrants).
24:39 Legacy of slavery? Like come on dog. No.
25:47 This is white supremacy.
26:50 Get black people armed and trained.
27:40 Privatizing police or community police.
28:35 More woke police?
29:15 Why ignoring statism and focusing on racism instead of having self-ownership.
29:35 "Holding signs rioting is not about to save them 'cause you must of forgot that that's the power you gave them."
29:45 Stockholm syndrome.
30:00 "obedient"
30:25 Eric's against the state.