
23 April 2014

Atonement Movie Sets a Narcissistic Tone

***Spoilers Alert!*** Atonement is described by one author as a movie with "an attempted act of reparation [that] is exposed as narcissistic self-deception". Ouch. Sometimes the truth hurts.

narcissism,WWII,Great Britain,England
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Self-deception is one of the things that Easter is meant to get us out of.

Behold! Awaken! Be amazed! We are not ultimately meant to be dirt, perishing in the ground. Instead, Jesus' resurrection is meant to focus our attention toward what God has in store for all of us, freedom.

What is the content of that freedom? The hope in that we will share in what Jesus has and has became. To be victorious over sin, corruption, and death as is it.

It can often be painful in the here and now, especially as our wickedness is wicked from our lives though our cross. But the finish line is there: the resurrected Jesus is holding it before us while he holds the true cross, the sign of our journey and victory.

In short, we should stop deceiving ourselves, shake off our sin with its self-absorption, and follow Christ to the cross and then onto resurrection.

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