
04 November 2010

Porn Still Rapes the Mind

Charlie Sheen Rampage Tied to Smut Addiction Says Expert
White Ribbon against Pornography Awareness Week - October 31 to November 7
Porn - The Most Dangerous Threat in the Culture War, Says LifeSite Editor
(All articles from

As long as porn and contraception are widely available and/or legal, women and children will be worse off since men will have the opportunity to view them more and more as objects and products of conception (born and preborn) to divorce and discard (I have seen this in my experience).

May God have mercy on us all.


  1. Then how do you explain the fact that many of the societies that have laws prohibiting pornography, such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China, are the most intensely patriarchal countries in the world, with out right barbaric laws and customs governing women?

  2. The US actually has laws against porn. (see "What the Law Says..." section on the right of the link above)

    I'm not familiar with the laws of which you write. The only ones I suppose you might mean are those regarding body covering.

    The US also has decency laws about public displays of body parts. I propose that decency laws should also be enforced in the realm of private access (movie, picts, etc. products) to those materials, ie, porn.


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