
12 June 2010

Aquinasblog Dialog VIII

This is part VIII of the Aquinasblog Dialog that was started here.

Hello again,

St. Aquinas also said, "But Debbora exercised authority in temporal, not in priestly matters, even as now woman may have temporal power." This says a lot (I can only say a little of it at this point). Even in his day (as well as in biblical time with Debbora), St. Aquinas acknowledged that many women had "temporal power", or power in everyday-goings-on. However, the matters that pertained to the Church have a proper order. Christ is head of the Church in the same way as male ordained ministers are head of the Church in priestly matters. Priestly matters have to mainly do with the Eucharist and handing over their life for the Church in persona Christi.

I would never say that Christ was in the state of subjection to the Church; the Church, the mystical bride of Christ, is in the state of subjection to Christ, the bridegroom (Eph 5; ). The essence of man and woman as St. Aquinas outlines, although controvertial to many, is still true and can't change (until Christ comes again).

Again, this is a matter of faith and not a temporal matter (as also explained by St. Aquinas).


[I also emailed back the reply below.]


Really, when you get down to it, having the ministerial priesthood only for men saves women who would supposedly become priests from lying. I think this is the best explanation (however, as I have written, JPII made the final call and reasons).

Let me explain. At the consecration, the priest is to say, "This is my body." and "This is my blood." If a woman said it, it would be lying since the consecrated body is of male essence since Christ was male and a woman is of different female essence.

I've seen a Episcopal "priestess" "consecrate" their communion (it's definitely not valid orders there since they're separated brethren). I thought the process was ludicrous since she was essentially saying (literally in essence) that the body of Christ she was "consecrating" with her words was female (the words and body of the priest transubstantiates the bread and wine as I understand it).

The Catholic Church can't go there.


[Aquinasblog author has not emailed me back after this email. I will post the reply if it is sent in the future.]

[What do you think about the dialog?]


  1. Great dialogue. Your logic and charity are refreshing.

    Keep this up, and I may have to add you to my 'Catablogue'!!

  2. LarryD,

    Thank you very much for your encouraging comments.

    For more dialogs on WZE, see here (on abortion with Atheist) and here (on abortion with another Atheist in the comments section).

    My personal favorite is here ("No Morality Without God"; only one comment though).


Please comment in a civil manner, i.e., no foul language, name calling, threats, etc.